1. 성명(Name):Dia
2. 국적(Nationality) :Hungary
3. 출생년도(Birth Year) :1999.08.07
4. 거주지역(Area) :서울대입구
5. Visa Type : E6
5. 키(Height) : 169
6. 몸무게(Weight) : 54
7. 가슴(Chest) :82cm
8. 허리(Waist) :59cm
9. 엉덩이(Hips):84cm
10.신발(Shoes) :260mm
11. Language :Hungarian,English,Korean
12. Experience : 3year experience also Hungary and Korea
-Itaewon class
-Jyp music vide
-Seoul africa fashion show
-studio photoshoot
1. 성명(Name):Dia
2. 국적(Nationality) :Hungary
3. 출생년도(Birth Year) :1999.08.07
4. 거주지역(Area) :서울대입구
5. Visa Type : E6
5. 키(Height) : 169
6. 몸무게(Weight) : 54
7. 가슴(Chest) :82cm
8. 허리(Waist) :59cm
9. 엉덩이(Hips):84cm
10.신발(Shoes) :260mm
11. Language :Hungarian,English,Korean
12. Experience : 3year experience also Hungary and Korea
-Itaewon class
-Jyp music vide
-Seoul africa fashion show
-studio photoshoot